What’s Cooking

7 thoughts on “What’s Cooking

  1. Thanks to all the people reponsible for helping refine the cover for October Song. Your feedback was much appreciated – I think it looks fab now! 🙂

  2. One of the lovely Otober Song reviews so far: ‘An absolute piledriver of a dark future thriller that instantly hooks you and doesn’t let go till the end. Horribly believable and utterly compelling.’ Neil Williamson, author of The Moon King & Thirty Years of Rain.

  3. Here’s another fantastic review by a well-known author: ‘October Song reads like a perfectly structured thriller, but filled with the same rage against the political-military establishment that nestled deep in Iain Banks’ heart. Its combination of a gritty noir aesthetic with one of the most chilling depictions of the near-future since Children of Men results in a work of superlative readability.’ Gary Gibson, award-nominated author of Angel Stations and Stealing Light.

  4. Very grateful for this from one of the UK’s bestselling SF authors, Ken MacLeod: ‘A grim and gripping near-future thriller with sharp political edges and scarily plausible projections, rooted in intimate knowledge of real places.’

  5. October Song just got a great few paragraphs in Gary Gibson’s blog, along with the hugely talented Hal Duncan. Gary says: ‘It reminded me of Iain Banks at his fiery best.’ Being something of a fan of Iain Banks, I couldn’t ask for higher praise than that! https://www.garygibson.net/

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